Wednesday, June 18, 2008

where should i begin

at the moment i felt your skin

at the last day of our sin

in between it all we fell

to a place it knew so well

from a distance it cannot be seen

only always just a dream

if this road takes me away

what will memories hold my sway

castles clouded by old tears

fragile moments held in fear

this my story it has ended

on this love it was depended

and so it goes the book is closing

for now on its only posing

as a riddle in my head

the story loved and you i've said

lost now in pages never read

dont forget me when you go

only forever loved you so

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I am so very sad that you
to lose
and be lost
to let go is
than thought
but still
I am
so very dissapointed
in you
however did you get there
from here
this is the end
but it never goes
where it should
for you
in anger
shake my head
and walk away

Sunday, February 18, 2007

this thing of our making

From the first moment

in the dark of night

i saw in you something beautiful

and it called to me

as it does still

asking for my heart

to join it

and you kissed me

so hard and so surely

my heart pounding

loudly and strong in my head

so that i could not wait to see

you again

and again

you took me gently into the night

hours and hours we spent

wrapped like the clouds

around the moon

never sleeping

making me shine

for you

and i ran so far

into the night roads

over mountains

for you

only pennies

in my pocket

taking me straight

into your arms

where you gathered

my tired heart

and swept it once


all of this

each day preceding now

each moment that has passed

all are inside waiting

like pages ruffled and worn

from fingers that browse


it is clear that here

and now is where

i will stand for

our love

our dreams

every moment that lives in memories

all the dreams for days to come

and for you

like joan to the flames

never wavering in my


i hear you

as i lay on your bed waiting

next to you when you drive

watching everything and marveling at it all

because it never stops, gives up gives in...

it is all just yours and mine

as it has been

as it will be

beautiful as you

prendre mon amour

take my eyes so that i cannot see your beauty
take my ears so that i no longer listen for your voice
take my hands so they do not reach for you to touch them still
take my legs to keep from running as they always do to you
take my hair of which you like to gather in your fingers and wipe from my face
take my tears because they only serve as witness to my pain and sorrow
take it all it means nothing to me without you to look on them, to whisper in the ear, touch the hand, wrap the legs around taste and see you in my dreams so close again new years kiss, my birthday wish always there you are next to me,
birth and death we have shared compared secrets bared
our souls healed eachothers wounds and soon
invisible to the eye all will be taken without being given
this life ceasing to inspire require
breathing being seeing
anything at all
because it has no you within it

seulement juste toujours

vous ĂȘtes mon coeur

svp me pardonnez car je vous fais pour


and still

This sky above is the same for us it moves across from me to you always this way like are my heart, on my mind and taken hold of me for so long now, there is no other way.. i can never reach higher than when reaching for you, never look harder than into your eyes for the truth.. no book, no words, nothing else can tell or see the love that burns here beneath my skin out from the heart yours alone and all there is forever more is the telling tears the breathing soul that is mine only and always for you that kiss hands bound by time and space that cannot touch you now but have and will again my shiva rama god of this and that which carrys me along so many places faces you have shown me so many times your hands graced my skin this is true this is what is seen when looking finds me alone in the darkness waiting and watching listening for your footsteps on the floor, hand on the door to bury yourself once more this love is timeless endless meaningless without you

it is everything as you are to me

matthew of the minutes

every second second time all the while that you were mine running faster than i could ever imagine the time flew by by and the wind and the rain wiped away any trace, of your face from my poor memory... so i pasted up the shots that i had all ive got is these paper printed images that hold no and again ive found the strength and the will to keep walking talking moving forward telling stories to my heart... keep it up your chin your the tears fall down and down disappearing into floors and doors locked and left we fought how we loved you took me to heaven over and over never letting me fall too far, your angel bright, ran to the light that our love gave off in the dark...that kiss so soft your hands so strong all along it was everything i wanted needed believed in...gone gone away until the end of time across the sea into the great nothing ever could have done this to me...just you

Sunday, January 07, 2007

what would i do

what would i do

if i didnt have you to love

i would wither and wane

flower broken sad and lonely

what would i do

if we had never met

sit by the window and watch it go by

waiting endlessly for that which is only

found in you

what would i do

if you had never kissed me

my heart its capacity unknown

from the first touch...

lighting me on fire

the watching of you

melting me from the inside

the being of you with me

so slow and beautiful

will never forget this

every day i remember

and you are filling up my heart

my soul and my dreams


because what would i do

without you

Saturday, December 23, 2006

you are my most beautiful

"At My Most Beautiful"

I've found a way to make you smile
I've found a way
A way to make you smile

I read bad poetry
Into your machine.
I save your messages
Just to hear your voice.
You always listen carefully
To awkward rhymes.
You always say your name,
Like I wouldn't know it's you,
At your most beautiful.

I've found a way to make you smile
I've found a way
A way to make you smile

At my most beautiful
I count your eyelashes, secretly.
With every one, whisper I love you.
I let you sleep.
I know you're closed eye watching me,
I though I saw a smile.


Every time I open my eyes, each morning to the cold , of empty arms and bed...a clutching of the chest and heart .. .so hollow inside without the completeness of you, the warmth I miss so deeply there is nothing that can fill or fix it..What have I done, walking away from you..never believing that it could go this far, and now alone I sit, waiting for a glimpse a touch a smile from you.. every day a long journey through until I can catch just a piece of yours...waiting for your arms to encompass me again, your mouth to taste my love, your eyes to devour me over and over... I would climb up a mountain, swim through the rivers of hell and back to have that chance once again that i never gave up completely, but foolishly for a moment turned my back...didnt listen...but i hear you..i heard you ...and you called out to me, there is a spot in our souls that is only open for us.. and we are forever lost without take my heart, my eyes my hands in yours and see the truth ..I am yours

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

tempest heart

This life
so long and winding
binding grinding away the days
my heart is so young and strong
damaged but not broken completely
In this space, this place I sit and
I wait
for someone
to consider me precious
valuable, beautiful and wild
like a vining rose
watch out for the thorns
the horns of the devil
on my back you love

my rambling thoughts and dreams
spilling out like water onto the land
soaking into you
is it refreshing
or drowning you tonight
you may be right
I may be crazy
but this tempest heart
is ever so lonely
and beats like a drum
in my brain

you turned my head and
kissed my neck
all that i said
was listened
and learned
and now not to take
is a fearful mistake
one step at a time

to calm this heart
and open these eyes
feel the wind in my hair
and stare


Friday, May 26, 2006

There is a space somewhere out there that lingers on the edge of time, open and willing me to touch it with both hands.. but you in your infinite patience and cruelty look upon something else and turn your face away from me, to it do this thing and it will break my heart forever again and again this thing this sin that you leave me bleeding seething and half of our whole is missing

you lie you steal precious moments from our history our future;this is not where I walked to with you this is only where you took yourself away, believe I did over and under the water of my broken faces and its impossible no more pictures no more it bears itself but the weight is too great...let love back and into my heart you reside not for her

not for her

not for her

not for you

please dont lie to me...