Wednesday, October 26, 2005


What is it to live?

If I walk beside you

and feel your presence

are we alive?

Can you be next to me

or inside of me

without life?

Sometimes I lay in the grass

and stare at the trees

the leaves

all alive and breathing like me

I get lost in the sky

the branches carry my thoughts

so high

Is it true then that

we are here for just an instant

at least according to God.

And if so, how will we

fill it up?

Every day I get up

and hope

to make choices

brave and clear

never to waiver and pull away

stand up for this life

of mine and yours

take it by the hand

never let it go.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Katrinas tears

Waves of water

air and fire

wash away their world

waves of sadness

fear and emptiness

gather like clouds


waves of anger

flooding the streets

waiting for release

waves of disbelief

as nothing and no one


waves of tragedy

floating by sea

carried by land

and tears

waves of joy

as hands reach out

to gather the lost

little children laugh

dry your eyes


all is here

inside your heart

where no waves

can wash away

and no storms can damage

and no denial of democracy

can be found

Turn your faces away from

the leaders

who've abandoned

all of us

and reach out

to the hands

of your neighbor

and friends

we are here

in waves of love

to hold and comfort

and sustain

because it could be

anyone......even me.

Saturday, September 03, 2005


This time I will be here

whenever the mood strikes

in my loneliness and fear

abiding with silence

you strike me like a cold wind

in the face


so much warmth

that never touches skin

what is it I cannot find

left here again

behind my eyes

and then

here it sits upon my head

my shoulders

my heart


and gone

no one is listening


hello goodbye

my lonesome

Sunday, May 29, 2005


Missing the softness of you

the golden glow you radiate

sweet and kind beautiful thing

where did you go

we all have a softness

somewhere inside

sometimes we hide it from view

here in my place

I grasp a new grace that changes

every day every way

Sunlight on the skin

lets it sink so deeply

wrapping around the heart

I am dreaming here

waiting again for something

and lost in thoughts and wind

Where did your softness go

Underneath you keep it

I want it so

come back

Saturday, April 02, 2005

of mourning

do you mourn

the loss

what then

will you not look

at me the same


have i been misplaced

because of this space

in your head

taken up with sadness

or is it just in mine

why do I feel the looking

even when you dont want

whats found

Giant spoons dip into

my body

and take out all

leaving empty

and hollow

what I have known

ahh, sweet one time chances

forgotten and forgiven

but not unmourned

by anyone

feeling like the lighthouse in a storm

battered by the wind

yet still lit

to guide the ship home

my fuel is my love

and my light is only dimmed

by the low clouds surrounding

will it be found again

safe harbor, and mooring

or lost at sea



Were it not that I long to linger over your face

or feel your skin under my hands

I would not want for anything

what is it about you that

opens me

like a shell with such treasure inside

so that when I look on you

I tremble

my heart leaps and breaks

within your eyes

nothing has taught me this

It is just known

day and night come

not being asked

and here I sit

how do I hold myself

so as not to touch

feel or dream of you

there is not a place

that exists where

that is so

never do I think twice

about loving this way

it winds about me

and pulls you in

until there is no end

or beginning to what we are

it isnt even imaginable

that you and me

could not be we

Thursday, March 31, 2005


As the sun rises

so shall I

up again like the light

breaking on my skin

reaching for it

as the leaves in spring

taking it all in

ashes at my feet

remind me of this

paths I have taken


and in this state

I am free

to gain my wings again

clouds hover

taking the light

hiding the everreaching

arms and eyes

fire in my heart

carries my upward

into the dream again

Monday, March 28, 2005

little boy

Oh little boy

hidden inside

dont cry

the darkness is gone

you aren't alone

not anymore

let me show you

how good

you really are

Open the door

into the light

take a deep breath

and smile

look at the sky

and know its all

right under your hands

to receive

Look in my eyes

and know you are home

there in the night

you're never alone

no more goodbyes

you're better than that

dont run and hide

any longer

Just take my hand

I'll show you the path

and together

we shall never


in that darkness

that pain

the fury

and shame

oh little boy

just dont blame


step by step

day by day

you can win this war

inside your heart

dont be afraid

never give in

just know its all over

and then

you can walk in the rain

the sun and the stars

reflecting their color

and life

its all in your hands

the power of freedom

and knowing


and truth

grab on to it now

dont ever let go

ride it wherever

it takes you

feel it on your skin

and within

be brave little one


Saturday, March 26, 2005

give my regards to you

no goodbye, no thank you

no kindness, or a kiss

no more smile, no more laughter

nothing in regards to this

you dont even get my heart

or my mind in any way

dont trust in me or believe

the things I do or say

its all just a game

always the same

never remembering

the times that I came

to your rescue

again and again

you are just whatever you are

and I am me

so maybe this banging in my head

is as loud as I can be

dont give an inch or she'll take a mile

dont say I love you or give me a smile

just let me walk on

down my road one more time

and give my regards to your

self imposed shrine

I dont ask for much

or get in the way

but sometimes I do

have something to say

so far be it here this time

that I have left

to make you feel anything

but sad and bereft

just leave it alone

and dont come back home

to this place here with me

where you are truly known

Thursday, March 24, 2005

only just always

I dont understand anything anymore

nothing makes any sense..

am I just stupid when it comes to life

naive, gullable and unaware?

I feel so lost sometimes, like a child

wandering alone in a giant place

where nothing fits me and I am so scared

some things I see make it all clear to me

and safe and warm at peace

then shadows run across the walls

and how is it that I imagine a world

so beautiful and alive touching the energy

inside of me like little storms

but then it turns out to be so unreal

how do they do it, all of the hurting

and scheming, machinations, deliberations

things I would never see

On the edge of a cliff I seem to be

always hanging on for dear life

looking up into a face so familiar

wanting to be rescued but having

to climb up on my own

cold shivering tired

and now again looking for that

star, that rain, the thing that

washes away my pain and clears

up the sadness in my head

only you..only just always

like dancing demons circling

burning me again and again

I dont want to hide anymore

or run for cover and dark

I want to feel the sun

raise myself aloft

take that leap

into your arms

over and over till the end

of time, never regretting

never pretending

always believing, dreaming

running full speed

taking it all in

brave, and certain someday

that is where I long to be

with you..only just always

its what you say

and I do listen, learn

try to keep the balance

try not to sink into the madness

open I am and if that is wrong

I am not sorry, because there

is no other way, not for me

Let them strike me, words

or deeds I am not broken

not completely, just healing

and working on this puzzle

called life. Come with me

because your hand feels so

good in mine..only just always

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


How many times

will you look in my eyes

and lie to me

How many days will I

turn you away

until you see

that we

can be


When will it end

this troublesome friend

that comes back again

to stay

Why do I try

to find a new why

for the reasons

I cant defend

If you do stay

will it all be ok

or someday

the end

is that the path

that we shouldnt take

or is it a chance to

find a new day

How will I know

when its time to let go

to say goodbye

Is there a time

that we wont even

try or will we just

start again....

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

green eyes

There you are

can you see

with those beautiful eyes

how lovely you are

like the trees leaves

the grass under my feet

the river stream winding

into me

your eyes take in

all the air

and sound

close closer

touch the space

between yours

and mine

they have made

such a pair

I love the way

you share

your eyes with me

soft or hard

looking or blindness

occurring gently


angels sleeping

under your skin

pull me in

and never let go

Sunday, March 13, 2005


In the corner of my eye

there is a shadow..

of something I dont

want to see

your face

looking at me

Why cant you just

go away

run far and fast

leave me

and the past

in the dust

never trust

your face again

looking over shoulders

isnt my plan

but walking and talking

is harder


you cant be sure

that surprises dont lurk

around every corner

I am not afraid

but beautiful and strong

so I dont worry

if you linger too long

looking at me again

what do you see

but here I am

and its my place

so this is where I

will be.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Fuck off

Fuck off all of you

who think you know

who think you see

the truth in me

tell your story to someone else

I have mine to live with

dont expect me to not dissapoint you

because I will if you want anything

How dare you tell me

how to be

I am me

Let yourself be free

and I will do

the thing that feels right

whenever, however I do

its not up to you...

there are no rules..

and strong and true

is how it is here

in my heart.

So Fuck off..

all of you and

leave me here



is it true

do you know how you feel

are you letting go yet

looking another way?

I look down

into the air

no net, no soft landing


do you think

that it will sit

and not fall down

far from the sky

breaking apart



is it possible

that we couldnt see

the waiting around

the crack in the wall

When did we get there

to the end of the line

time stops and I cry

more this time, I think

but not so hard

Where did it go?

that beautiful thing

that song, that dream

cloud in the sky floating by

full of rain now

dripping on us

drowned in tears

fears and prayers

What is it

that sound that pulls me

that deep and resonating beat

like a drum, heart, pounding out

a message from one to another

does it travel far enough

or are we now lost.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

in my world

Here I am

alone in the dark

waiting for you

taking a chance

looking for a mark

that says its true

you are the one

that I remember

making my fun

so much more


where is that space

that place inside

that hurries to see

when i have cried

tears and joy

cover me now

make me believe

and show me how

just one more step

before I fall

waiting for you

to make the call

breathing your name

maybe in vain

taking the pleasure

and the pain

onto the next step

forward I go

where will this end

I'll never know

bringing me here

out to the edge

dropping my heart

off of the ledge

let it fall down

past all the stars

where timeless I wait

the world is all ours.

Monday, March 07, 2005

"Dark Blue"

I'm tired

from exploring you

I'm sorry

you've had some scary days

I'm lucky,

they had me on a leash


sometimes you frighten me

And it's too bad

you're so sad

I wish you could have had what I had

I'm loathing most of your history

Hesitation, but then you siphon me

Your potential,

well I'll indulge in that

Violent timing

explains the aftermath

And it's too bad

you're so sad

I wish you could have had what I had

And it's so sad

it's too bad

Maybe I can make you feel better

Oh maybe I'm supposed to

make you feel better

I want to comfort you

Unlike you

I had it easy

You're dark blue

Stained from previous days

And you're so sad

It's too bad

I wish you could have had what I had

Maybe I can make you feel better

I'm sorry


Saturday, March 05, 2005

The eyes have it..

In your eyes

there is a place

that keeps me safe from harm

in your arms

I feel the space

the universe is all ours

In the breath

that we share

life begins anew

In the depth

of your heart

is where Im finding you

When I look

into your eyes

I see such grace

and fear

Wonder aloud

inside my head

watch you shed

your tear

The eyes have it

you have won

my heart


And I will strive

to be for you

my loves not

keeping score

there it is

the truth at last

You are my life

and hope

There is no


for this love

is endless

in its scope.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Just thoughts

Once upon a time.. there was a girl, and she met a boy and he made her smile..

this smile didnt always last but it was always there underneath her eyes

they ran away together and raised a family lived happily ever after

at least thats how it was supposed to be.. but sometimes fairytales

are that , and this is life, its true.

And where you are and who you love is something that you do

Walking by a window I saw that girl again.. but she was different

somehow changed, I know not how or when.. .

She is bigger than before her eyes are still the same

and if you ask her who she is, she'll tell you

shes not to blame

Mirrors lie, they hide the soul

and show off all your flaws

but deep inside theres still that hope

thats untouched by natures laws

When that boy grew up to see

that he was not alone

he took her back into his arms

and gave them both a home.

So if you run or if you walk

down paths that lose their way

and see reflections that scare your

heart, know life has more to say.

Keep that smile, in your eyes

take the breath so deep

and hold her close to you

my friend

in dreams shes yours to keep.

Thursday, March 03, 2005


look deeply

in order to see

and understand the needs,


and suffering

of the one you love.

We all need love

Love brings us joy

and well-being.

Its as natural

as the air..Tthich Nhat Hanh

treasured heart

When my heart is weary

and my soul is tired

I can only imagine

how your love inspired

in me

the truth

to find

the way

I know

you'll see

it all


When the dark is raging

and the sky is black

I will hold your picture

until you come back

I know

its real

this thing

I feel

I believe in you

just wish you would too

your heart is mine

until the end of time

treasured heart

come home to me

break away and

set it free

just believe

just believe


I think

you would walk


if I was still

and just didnt


My heart,

my soul

where did you go?

Treasured heart

come back home

be the one I'm dreaming


know you've got

all of my love

treasured heart..


Seems like our love is on the road to nowhere fast

All my life I thought a love like this would last

But every road can hide a corner we can't see

I had a vision that I woke up by your side

I felt you breathing and our souls were intertwined

But who can choose loves destiny

Not me

We had it all

right in our hands

We had the room to fly

and still the place to land

And so I'm calling out,

I'm calling out

To the only one

Who can save us from what we've done

Dont keep me hanging on...

I'm reaching out and praying you'd come back again

It's just darkness I'm living in

And you're the only place my heart has ever been

Maybe I'm young and in the ways of love naive

Maybe I'm desperate for a reason to believe

There wasn't anywhere I thought that we would fall

I've seen perfection in a rainbow in the sky

I've seen a child make the coldest grown man cry

But loving you I thought was greater than them all

And we had it all, just you and me

And now there is a doorway to my heart without a key

Wherever you are right now,

come back baby show me how you feel

Because I'm lost without you here

Now take a look at what we've become

You're the only place my heart has ever been

Destiny cannot be shaken

Fate will send us where we need to be

Many turns our love has taken

But in the end you're standing here with me

Now it's a long road to forever

But together I know we'll find a way

We're standin' hand in hand

Nothing will break our love

I'll cherish you each day 'til I die

For all eternity

you and I

My heart's filled with such emotion

You're the reason for the air I breathe

I pledge to you all my devotion

Until death do part you away from me

I've never been so close to heaven

As the moment when I looked into your eyes

Wednesday, March 02, 2005


What does it mean

to be closer

is it a scene

in my head

or a rational


how does this work

this life i lead

trying to

tell the truth

will you lie to me

again someday

when it suits

you to

or will i betray

you someday

because we lose

this thing

I want to be

closer to you

deeper inside

more real


But will it work

this time

or am I

just dreaming
